
About the project

The overall aim and objective of the project is modernization of higher education in partner countries, through digitalization of educational methodologies and improving students' preparation for participation in the sustainable growth, to enhance the digital transformation of the HEI in Latin America Region. ICOLearn project activities and results includes implementation of innovative internet-based learning methodologies and collaborative tools toolbox consisted of: (1) social-networked based education (SNE), (2) learning factory (LF), (3) co-creation of learning materials (COLM), (4) game-based learning (GL), (5) virtuality (V), (6) blended learning (BL), (7) integrated projects (IP) and (8) project-led-education (PLE); implementation of innovative approach to cooperation with industry and other companies, through the 'learning factory' platform tool for enhancement of industry-partnered active learning to implement practices oriented to sustainable growth.

These activities are organized through the five Work Packages (WP): WP1 - Project management and coordination; WP2 - Preparation and Training; WP3 - Design and Organization; WP4 -Implementation; and WP5 - Impact and Dissemination. ICOLearn will output 14 deliverables which consists of 4 management reports, 2 training seminars (as one deliverable), two demonstrations (as one deliverable), six desk study (as one deliverable), six 'brokering events' (as one deliverable), and 6 reports related to design, implementation and dissemination. The target group are teachers and students. There will be involved in total, at six HEI from Brazil, Costa Rica and Honduras: 16 courses and 30 curricular units (subjects), 73 teachers and all students enrolled in the courses addressed by ICoLearn.




News #1

The kick-off meetings of the ICoLearn project were held virtually from January 16th to January 18th , 2024. During Day 1, decisions on the project management bodies were made. The financial model and management as well as the review of all tasks and timings were presented on Day 2. Finally, the first project tasks and responsibles were defined on the last day of the kick-off meeting.


News #2 - Virtual training on learning methodologies

The online training of the ICoLearn project was held from May 08th to May 10th, 2024. It was lead by Professor Goran Putnik (UMINHO) and the objective was to introduce the 54 participants to the basics of the learning methodologies for this project. This training was a preparatory step for the on-site training developed a few weeks later.


News #3 - On site training on learning methodologies in Guimaraes and Torino

The on site training was held in Guimaraes during the week of May 20th to May 24th, 2024 and in Torino during the week of May 27th to May 31st, 2024. At each site, the participants had the opportunity to learn in depth about different learning methodologies, engaged in several activities to better understand the learning methodologies and interacted with the students that experienced such learning methodologies in their curricula units.

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News #4 - First year annual meeting

The first annual meeting was held online on December 13th, 2024. It was an opportunity to review the achievements during the first year of the project, discuss the importance of what has been accomplished and plan the activities of 2025.


Contact us

Contact our project administrator

Professor. Maria Leonilde Rocha Varela

leonilde@dps.uminho.pt | +351253510765


Contact our page administrator

Professor. Elias García
