The Metropolitan University of Honduras is a private, non-profit Higher Education institution founded by the FUMH Metropolitan University Foundation (FUMH), through resolution 89-2001 published in the official newspaper La Gaceta on August 1, 2001, created by agreement No. 1068-154-2002 dated December eighteenth of the year two thousand two, From Direction of higher education of Honduras.
It has 10 campuses nationwide in the country's main cities, it offers 9 bachelor's degree courses, 7 master's level courses and two professional technician level courses, it has 400 employees including executives, administrators and teachers, and it has a student population of more than 6000 students.
Contribute to the social, economic, technological and political development of the country, through the training of quality and competitive human resources, capable of transforming social, economic and political structures. Train generations of professionals with positive values and attitudes in accordance with their human condition and the ethical and moral demands of society.
To be a Higher Education teaching center that provides quality educational services, with international projection in the different fields of human knowledge. To be an advanced university in the techniques and methodologies related to the creation and transmission of science, arts and culture, forming a learning system that links academics with local, national and regional needs and problems in order to contribute to its solution.
* Develop higher education to train professionals framed in the concepts and demands of globalization and national and international competitiveness.
* Develop scientific and humanistic education that equips the student.
* Provide strategic training in order to train a professional capable of contributing to the development of the country's social sectors.
The UMH is part of national and international organizations committed to disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change, for example, at the national level, the Interinstitutional Committee of Environmental Sciences (CICA), an alliance at the Honduran government level with the National Service of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (SENPRENDE), with various civil society institutions such as the Benemérito Fire Department, Permanent Contingency Commission (COPECO), Association for a More Just Society (ASJ), the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP ), the Business Development Centers (CDE) and others. At the international level, the UMH is a member of the University Network of the Americas and the Caribbean for Disaster Risk Reduction (REDULAC / DRR); being creators of the Honduras Chapter, holding the presidency for 4 years, awarded with the NOE Award in the Dominican Republic in recognition for the work carried out on this topic; The University is a member of the Network of Higher Education Institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean (RiesGIRD-LAC) and currently holds the presidency of the Network. Likewise, the UMH is a member of the Inter-American University Organization (OUI) seeking to strengthen spaces for educational cooperation. at a higher level in coordination with its members and other strategic allies in pursuit of a diversified offer, contribution to the SDGs and organizational excellence.
The UMH is a member and has led the Association of Private Universities of Honduras (ANUPRIH) and members of the Association of Private Universities of Central America (AUPRICA).