Work Package 5

Impact and Dissemination

Duration:M1 – M36
Lead Beneficiary:3- FLUMINENSE

  • The WP5 has the important objective of (1) evaluation of the impact, definition of the sustainability and exploitation plan for increasing the impact, and (2) dissemination of the project results, during the life time of the project as well as beyond the project end.
  • Publishing the project website.
  • Publishing of training materials and project promotional materials.
  • Organization of meetings with the wider public to present the results of the project, one meeting per partner country HEI.
  • Publishing of the papers at an international scientific conference at the end of the project.
  • Deliverables

  • D5.1 - Project Dissemination Materials
  • D5.2 - Sustainability and exploitation plan
  • D5.3 Project website